Paul Pui Wo Lee, a certified Feldenkrais practitioner and dance artist, will visit Helsinki on April 8.-14.4. Paul will direct two courses – open level ballet classes and FELDENKRAIS® COURSE.
Tanssistudio Fokus
Tehtaankatu 27-29, Punavuori.
SISÄPIHA, studio pihan perällä.
Sama porttikongi kuin Ravintola Bas Bas
INNER YARD, studio at the end of the yard.
Same gateway as for Restaurant Bas Bas.
Yhteyshenkilö / Contact person: +358 50 5502868
- This course is open for professional performing artists and everyone interested in movement as well as mental and physical wellbeing.
- The course is held in English.
- Participants who reserve their place before 16.3. will get a free ticket to Zero-Zero performance 14.3.-16.3. at Pannuhalli, Dance House Helsinki.
We will contact you once you have made the payment and ask which date you would prefer.
SAT 13.4. at 11-16 o’clock
SUN 14.4. at 10-15 o’clock
Learning how to dance, although it improves one’s motor skills greatly, doesn’t necessarily educate us to “use ourselves”, or function, in the most optimal way. The Feldenkrais Method® is not a therapy but a method of sensory-motor education that helps the person and their nervous system fill in what was unclear or even unknown about our biological potential due to the influences of culture, societal pressures, upbringing, traumas, and other shaping factors. It helps us move beyond our habits, move more freely and find new paths to grow as mature individuals.
This Feldenkrais® course will be a journey into the realms of your refined human possibilities that we rarely get to uncover and address in the speed of daily life and the artistic process. I hope to help you feel the magic of your human material by helping you ground a more detailed and profound orientation of your movement possibilities. Through the Feldenkrais ATM® lessons (Awareness Through Movement®), you will be reworking and improving the dynamic process by which you recruit yourself into action – for art and majorly for your health and well-being. You’ll probably start perceiving movement differently and revolutionising your image of human potential, amplifying the foundation and roadmap of your knowledge and experience that feeds your artistic endeavours in movement and dance.
We will start with a chat to hear what we find challenging and what aspects of our dancing we’d like to improve. I will then be leading you through Feldenkrais ATM® lessons where you will calmly and gently explore specific movements in novel situations, so you can eliminate unnecessary habitual efforts and acquaint your nervous system to a broader movement palette of ease, efficiency, and color in options. After each ATM lesson, we will have an extended improvisation session for everyone to unfold into their curiosities, riding with the new bodily information and “ah hahs!” I usually describe the state after an ATM lesson as a buzz because your nervous system is bathed in new sensations. It’s a journey of listening and dialoguing that leads to more learning and discovery as you play, sketch, and flow in space.
“I invite you to come do some Feldenkrais and be fascinated by you, me, we.”
Paul Pui Wo Lee
MON 8.4. – THU 11.4. at 10 – 12.30 o’clock
Paul offers an approach to ballet where clarifying quality artistic intentions and realistic technical strategies can motivate your body and spirit into organic balletic expression.
In each 2.5-hour class, we will start with a Feldenkrais® movement lesson to awaken our sense of movement flow and efficiency, and then we will let that support us in a fun ballet class.
Paul Pui Wo Lee | BIO
Paul Pui Wo Lee is a certified Feldenkrais practitioner teaching a combination of Feldenkrais and Ballet(-ish) at dance institutions, such as CCDC, Cullberg, Danish Dance Theatre, Norrdans, Dansehallerne, the Royal Swedish Ballet School, and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, the Summer Dance Intensive Vilnius, and the German state theatres in Regensburg, Gärtnerplatz Munich, Kassell, Münster, and Bremen.
He trained at Canada’s National Ballet School and the Rotterdam Dance Academy before dancing with IT Dansa and GöteborgsOperans Baletten. He danced in works by Örjan Andersson, Stijn Celis, Tilman O’Donnell, Fernando Melo, Wim Vandekeybus, Nacho Duato, Jiří Kylián, Mats Ek, Alexander Ekman, Kenneth Kvarnström, Ina Christel Johannessen, and Virgilio Sieni. From 2020-2021 he was the rehearsal director and choreographic assistant at Of Curious Nature in Bremen under the artistic direction of Helge Letonja. From 2022-2023, he was the co-curator of the morning professional training program at Dansehallerne in Copenhagen.
Paul finds meaning in sharing Feldenkrais with people to uncover movement options beyond their habits, so they may develop the flexibility to be the artists of their health, balance, sensuality, power, and fun. For dancers especially, Paul wishes to help them cultivate a “quality self-use” to express the fearless human potential grounded in intelligence and sensitivity to one’s well-being.
MON 8.4. at 10 – 12.30 o’clock
TUE 9.4. at 10 – 12.30 o’clock
WED 10.4. at 10 – 12.30 o’clock
THU 11.4. at 10 – 12.30 o’clock
SAT 13.4. at 11-16 o’clock
SUN 14.4. at 10-15 o’clock
Tanssistudio Fokus
Tehtaankatu 27-29, Helsinki
- All 4 classes package: 65€
- Drop in: 20€ (paid with Mobile pay at the studio)
- Members: 130€ ( +member fee 25€)
- Non-members: 160€
Link to Holvi webshop:
SAT 20.4. at 11-12.30 am
SAT 27.4. at 11-12.30 am
SAT 4.5. at 11-12.30 am
Place: Kulttuurikeskus Sähinä, Heikkiläntie 10, Lauttasaari, Helsinki
Extra training sessions are free for the course participants who pay the member fee. During the sessions (1,5h) we revisit the content of the latest course as well as the content of all the courses the association has organised since 2017.
If you are not a member, the price for the extra training session is 10€ (paid at the studio by mobile pay).
For more information, do not hesitate to contact us: info@kinesteetikot.fi
Association rules (in Finnish)